Monday 11 August 2014


So our anniversary is coming up this week and I have plenty planned in surprise for Oscar. It's all under wraps, but I can't wait to show you what I've made.

I can reveal the dress I've made myself, not such good pictures though as I forgot to change the white balance setting on the camera. The bodice made of a beautiful two tone silk that looks purple from one angle, salmon pink from the front and orange from the other angle.

Please disregard all the junk in the background, the fact is my sewing room is half storage room as well:

So pretty! Love the sectioned circle skirt, in fact it is made up of four semi circles. Plenty of movement and should really be used for dancing in!

In other news I went busking the other week and made myself 21 bucks busking on my own with the accordion. :) Bought myself a little treat of sushi afterwards and the rest goes towards bus fares. I'm intending on cycling into town more often when the weather is good from now on. It is rather exhausting however and when I get home I usually just crash on the couch with a cup of tea!

It also snowed again... I'd gotten used to seeing forecasts of snow and nothing happening so I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up on friday morning to find it everywhere. It melted by midday but our snow man still hasn't fully melted away.

Note: You can see we used up most of the snow in the backyard just to make our snow cat...

The peninsula:

It was so much fun running around in the snow, and the flakes were quite heavy too. There was a dog running up and down the street barking at us because we were so noisy! I found it really tricky to walk up the steep footpath to get the top of our street, my shoes have no grip and I was sliding down :0 So took the easier and more grippy driveway instead. Bring on more snow I say! And let it stay all day :)

Choir trip to Timaru this weekend and looking forward to getting away from home and seeing my family up there. A rare opportunity to see them and my niece is growing up so quickly. Also looking forward to hearing the amazing church organ play while we sing Solem mass. Don't think much of masses (choirs often have to sit through them) but enjoy the sound of the music.

More pictures of anniversary presents, me wearing my dress, meals I've got planned etc. soon.
Ooh it's going to be fun! :D


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