Monday 14 April 2014

Autumn chill - brrrrr!

 Finally, I have taught myself how to use the ribber attachment on my knitting machine! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be either. My knitter came with all the instruction booklets you could ever need, so I followed them and managed to come up with this:

Actual, stretchy, lovely rib knitting! The set up was really simple, I'm very pleased with the results, except that the knitting has a habit of coming off the needles completely sometimes... which isn't good. Not sure how to stop that from happening, I don't want to knit a pair of socks only to have it come off in the middle of knitting it. Next I tried knitting in the round! Woohoo :D That worked well too, apart for the aforementioned knitting coming off the needles.

I'm really excited to give sock knitting the round a go now, no seaming whatsoever! I imagine it is really quick to do. Perfect project for chilly weather, which seems to have hit us already.

What other projects have I been working on?

My family knows me well I think! First Oscar gave me a knitting machine, and then for Xmas my mum got me an Inkle loom. I've done weaving on a rigid heddle loom and a 8 shaft loom before, but i love how simple the inkle is to warp up and work with. No fiddly threading of needles, just a simply made shaft using string heddles and a few knots. I also love how you can just pull the warp around and it moves as one piece around the pegs to make more room to weave!

This is my colourful stripey warp, the striped should make a pattern in the weaving. I messed up the warping at first, but even though I had already tied everything off I was still able to fix it without any hassle.
Close up of the warp and heddles, you simply press the upper threads down to change the shed and weave the other way. This weaving will become wrist cuffs, which I plan to sell at market next month. The weft? Silk fabric scraps cut into strips :)

Now this stuff, this stuff is weird. I bought it at toffs, it was in the yarn box and I thought it was fleece. It kind of is... it's like all the leftover bits from a woollen mill all mixed together. Very tweedy! Makes me wish I had my drum carder here, I would blend it with some other fibre and make a lovely colourful blend. As it is, I think I'll just spin bits of it into other fleece for highlights.

Theatre posters! The two plays I have put costumes together for this year. I hope by the end of the year to have all the posters up there :) I have photos of the plays, but can't share some of them here, they are for my own personal use. Also a D'oyleys folder from my Grandma, definitely and antique that one. Gearing up for Midsummer's night dream soon. It's going to be fantastic! A costume extravaganza! I'm also going to audition for a small part in the play too, I might have gotten a taste for acting....

In other news:
  • We've started a veggie garden, thanks to our landlady who gave us permission to dig up some of her lawn. Her words; "It's there to be used, so go ahead, no problems". We double digged it, added blood and bone and dug in well rotted compost with plenty of worms too. I've planted rainbow silverbeet, kale squire, borage, red lettuce and pak choi. All lovely greens which we really miss since last year we had such a great garden to eat from. 

  • I started the swirl jumper! link to Ravelry here: swirl jumper I plan to knit this without the high neck, perhaps with a simple rounded neck instead. Enjoying the complex cabling, but I really need to learn how to knit without a cable needle, the lattice cable section makes my left hand sore. Hope to get this one done before winter, I think I'll need it
  • We tried the beer! The leaping goat pilsner is ready and tastes lovely, like feijoa and elderflower fizzy drink. The hops are so fragrant and refreshing. It's a very light beer however, one stubby does nothing to you. But it would be a great summer beer, refreshing and light.
Well that's it for this week! hope to have progress shots up of the jumper, machine knit socks and inkle weaving soon :) Right now I think I'll go and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and go for a walk. Then it's back home for a crafting session, and perhaps I can get back to my neglected sewing machine. I really haven't sewn much lately... perhaps I have been distracted by other projects?

In progress:
  • Swirl jumper - 5% done
  • Sunflower tam - 70% done
  • Summit scarf - 75% done
  • Inkle wrist cuffs - 5% done
  • Mending of various clothing and knits
Finished this week:
  • Mended stripey cardigan, elbow had a hole. patched with a crochet circle.
  • Veggie garden bed dug and sown
  • Leaping goat pilsner

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