Where have I been? It's hard to keep this blogging thing up when you're busy doing so many things!
Been preparing for the market day which I'm happy to say was a success, despite the rain and how long a day it was. It didn't quite have the hype and excitement that I remember from markets like the Bendigo wool show, but that's a completely different event. I sold two things, my first sold items of the year! Perhaps a market where the customers are a bit more relaxed with their money will be better. Students are very thrifty, I guess they have to be!

Here's a mobile photo of my stall, not the best! But as I was carrying everything to the market without a car, a camera was just another thing to carry. There was a stall selling cakes for a charity and they were amazing, must get a recipe for ginger slice now :)
This is a lovely cat in our neighbourhood, an old ginger one. He/she loves being scratched under the chin and was so happy that it leapt up into my lap and started digging it's claws in! Bit ouchy so had to put kitty down on the path. One day, one day we'll have our own pets again, but till then we can always say hello to the cats and dogs in our area.
In other news the costumes are finished! Just in time for dress rehearsals next week, yay! Photos of the costumes on the actresses with full make up will appear here in a few weeks. So now that market day and Macbeth costumes are finished, I am free pretty much! To play accordion, garden in the lovely spring weather, perform with the choir and sew new and different projects. Excellent!
Projects finished this week:
- Hecate's dress
- Owl witch dress
- Oscar's birthday present
- Market day preparation
Projects on the go now:
- Birthday and xmas presents for my family
- Chevron lace cardigan
- Planning for new projects!
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