Friday, 30 August 2013

Back in town - Lots to do!

Well we're back from Diamond Harbour now, such a lovely quiet place there. Feeling refreshed and rather overwhelmed by how many things there are to do now! Over two weeks spring has seemed to have come and I'm noticing all kinds of little things that show it, plants popping out of the earth again and flowers blooming. It's funny coming back home after a holiday, it takes a while to adjust to responsibilities again. Although it's nice to be independent again :)

My parents just got back from China with some awesome presents, the best have to be the kites my dad got us. At the moment we are waiting for the wind to pick up enough to fly them, then definitely I will post pictures of them in flight, they aren't your normal kites!

Mum bought some incredibly soft Cashmere wool for me, not sure what to make with it as it such a special fibre. It's very fine so I'm going to ply it together before knitting with it.

They visited some traditional paper craft workshops over there too - The red one is a paper cut of a phoenix and dragon. Sorry about the relfection but I'm unable to take the paper out of it's protective sleeve.

The second is a traditional woodcut, printed in layers. Such bright colours, but the subject matter is very traditional; hair cuts and all. They look great decorating the walls.

I was a bit worried about the pot plants that sit on the window sills while we were away, but they were fine. In fact this particular viola has a total of 9 flowers on it! It's desperate to get pollinated and go to seed but without any insects inside it can't, poor thing. But if I did put it outside the cold would probably kill it. I love how one of the flowers is growing upside down :)

Oscar got me a great CD for our anniversary, all the way from America it took a good month to get here but is well worth the wait. If you get a chance, give the album The Shepard's dog by Iron and Wine a listen. I'd describe it as a combination of Gotye, Angus and Julia stone and his own unique style.

 Current projects:
  • Grandma's Doily covered bedspread
  • Finishing Mum's jumper
  • Ten stitch spiral rug (Koru)
  • Sheep PJ pants
  • Mending felted slippers 
Finished this week:

  • Bias woollen skirt
  • Thrummed alpaca hat
To start:

  • Costumes for Macbeth (I can't reveal on here what they are till after the play is finished!)
  • New designs for my shop
  • Clothing for myself and Oscar 
  • Write up knitting patterns
  • Other general projects like getting the veggie garden going again

That's all for the moment, back soon with more updates and photos about my crafting and kite flying!


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