Looks a bit like a polaroid photo doesn't it? |
Today I got the urge to do some dyeing, and boy am I pleased with the results! This is cotton thread my mum bought me while in Thailand. The dye is Procion MX, a dye I've often had trouble with. However this fibre really took the colour well, and is lovely and vibrant. Reminds me of inks I used to play with as a kid, especially the bright lobster red colour. The purple colour separated somehow into a semi solid, but that's fine by me. More interest that way. I intend to weave them on my inkle loom to make belts, straps and laces for clothing.
They got a bit tangled as you can see, I should have tied them up more thoroughly... but rinsing them in water got most of the tangles out and the long strands looked amazing full of water, like liquid silk.
I also dyed some of my socks in these same colours. Cheerful things they are.
I am addicted to colour aren't I?! This is the star quilt in progress, I just had enough diamonds to make them all 5x5 segments. I'm feeling a bit lazy about sewing all those pieces together however, I think I need to be in the right mood. It'll be fantastic when it's done though, it's a bit of guess as to how it will look though! I haven't the space to lie them all out together, so I've only seen one segment at a time. But the random look is what I'm going for anyway.
See those ridges? My favourite bit. Nice texture but it stretches vertically a bit too much! |
This bag I am rather pleased with. Maybe not the shape so much, but the colours rock! Hence the change of blog colours to match. I'll line it with some stiff fabric and hope that it becomes a better shape.
Certainly not modern, but full of classics. Someone really liked cliff richard! |
Learning accordion songs! My busking gets a bit boring when I only know 6 songs solo on accordion, so I'm learning some new ones to improve my repertoire. I'm learning 'somewhere my love' from Dr Zhivago and the Doctor who theme too of course. It's hard to find songs to play on the accordion... My bass clef reading skills are improving though, and I've learnt a new oomp pah pah technique which is getting my fingers in a muddle, but it sounds great!
Cables, short rows, lace, ladders, stripes... |
And machine knitting, getting back into this again too now! Given up on the double bed knitting, it never worked properly... but trying out some new pattern techniques and trying to use up some scraps of lace weight yarn. It seems to produce the best fabric when you use two strands together. Everytime I drop stitches, there is much swearing! The book makes it look so easy to get them back on the hook, but in reality they tend to unravel before you get the pick up tool in them. Hand knitting is easier in that respect. But I'm enjoying doing another craft, it's good fun. If I use up all my scraps of yarn, that is all my yarn, can I buy some new stuff with my saved busking money?? Please?
So that's what I'm up to lately... off to the theatre tomorrow to sort out some more costumes which will be good. I think I will even ride there, the weather is meant to be nice. If I get into Polytech next year I think I'll set up my bike properly. Get a bike pump, wet weather gear, flashing light, fluoro vest etc. I think I might even sew some waterproof saddlebags for it.
Need to henna my hair again too.. there is about an inch of regrowth and it looks a bit worn out. I cut my hair recently too! Had a bit of crazy moment and cut 3 or so inches off it! Like the new look, less tangles, shorter drying time etc.
Felted slippers have offically died, and I have no replacement! Feet are cold... no felt-able yarn around, unless I unravel something... I could... I've got an old worn out hot water bottle which I could use as soles this time and avoid the dreaded unravelling! Thank god it's nearly spring, can't survive without those slippers...
That was a good amount of random musings wasn't it? I need something to get me out of the house I think... Get involved in some group or something. I hear there is a home brew club at the uni, I could certainly join that! Was looking forward to hosting a party this weekend, but not enough people have said they'll come. They miss out! On home brew and delicious home-made pizza. Which we will enjoy anyway :)
Listening to this song, always make me smile:
Think I will get the fire ready, it's getting a bit chilly!