Thursday, 24 July 2014

Dyeing and the theatre

So tonight's the opening night for the play - yikes!

Here's a sneak peek of the fairies, there's me second from the left!

More photos soon, and individual shots of each character too :)
It's hard to imagine how the fairies all look together on stage when I'm one of them, but they seem to work well together.

In other news I've been dyeing fabric, lovely soft cotton fabric for Oscar's anniversary presents. Blue and green... I can never seem to get those procion dyes to work, but perhaps they are meant to be pale? They're certainly nice when they're in the dye bucket, but rinse them off and dry them and they go all pale. I might dye them again to give them extra colour.

Here they are drying on the line:

What they will be is a surprise! I'd like to reveal them but I'm determined to keep them a surprise for Oscar till the 14th of next month.

I'm also working on a few small crochet/knitting projects that are easy to work on backstage at rehearsals. Striped leg warmers in bright thick yarn and a hat out of the beautiful purple cashmere.

Finished in the last week:

  • Batch 'F' beer 
  • Various costume mending
In progress:

  • Cabled vest - 65%
  • Cashmere hat - 60%
  • Leg warmers - 10%
  • 40's style jacket - 40% (not entirely sure how to assemble this thing)
  • Oscar's presents - 5%
Off to do some baking for the cast for tonight and then some busking. Then it's off for the opening night, can't believe it's actually here now! Much excitement and nerves as well. Never acted on stage with an audience before... Eeep!


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Went for a walk

Even though it's cold out there, I'm still making the effort to go for a walk each day. This time I took the camera with me! Though the battery was dead straight away...

Here is our neighbourhood at it's wintry best, I think it looks pretty with the light raining and everything covered in dew.

I realise now that I still like taking interesting shots, I just haven't done so in ages. I used to be obsessed with taking photos, especially when travelling overseas. As I walked I was dreaming of coming home and having a nice hot cup of tea and writing this post. I don't think it needs many words though, you get the way I was feeling as I went on this walk. Just wait till spring, I'll be out taking as many photos of the new growth as I can! Now it's time for an afternoon of fine tuning some costumes, sewing on the jacket and an evening of knitting and watching Dr. Who. What a life I lead!

Tomorrow is busking, perhaps I can get some shots of that too... Just me and Osk this time, we'll see how we go.


Tuesday, 15 July 2014

At long last - a project finished!

So it's been a while since I finished any of my own projects but I finally have :) I started this scarf at the end of last year as a summer holiday project and did a bit of knitting on it over xmas and not much since. However I cast off last night with two balls of yarn to spare - just enough for a matching hat. Here it is blocking away:

It's so much bigger when blocked! And so long that it doesn't fit on this full size towel either. 

Such a pretty pattern and entertaining to knit, I recommend learning how to purl from the knit side though so you don't have to turn the work every 6 or 12 sts, it makes it a lot quicker and easier to make. It's very much like Entrelac knitting which means it's addicting to knit and the drop stitches were fun to do.

The pattern is Summit from
Needles: 6mm and a 4mm crochet hook.
Yarn: Purple cashmere that my mum brought back from China. It was a 1ply so I took two strands and tripled the thickness by navajo plying them together. The most lovely soft fibre to work with and very warm too. Split very easily though and seems to catch on everything.
I simply made less repeats to make a scarf rather than a shawl, but it's big enough to cover my shoulders if I want more warmth.

Overall very happy with this project! Once it's dry (could be a while in this damp Dunedin winter, I may end up hanging it above the fire if it doesn't dry) I'll take some better photos of me wearing it :)

Jacket is coming along nicely, all pieces cut out and overlocked, just needs to be assembled now. Hoping this week will be a better one, last week seemed to be just one thing after another.. I'm feeling rather worn out, but keen for better times ahead. I think the winter is getting to me, the cold and the long nights... I'm looking forward to spring so very much! Flowers and sunshine and new beginnings! I intend to get out into the garden and plant some colourful flowers and some fresh herbs and salad veggies. Well I guess it's not that long now :)

Having read some other lovely blogs lately I feel inspired to take more photos, not just of my projects but generally. Every time I go for a walk perhaps I should take the camera...

Well that's it for now, progress shots of the jacket to come soon.


Friday, 11 July 2014

On to new things >>>>>>>>

Phew! Costumes are done! All of them! I'm both relieved and excited and sad to see them all done, it's been a big part of my life for the last 2 months. Can't wait to see them all on stage soon, photos will be taken and then I'll share them on here. I feel so tired after working so hard on them, it's time for a bit of time off to relax. Then I can sit back and enjoy watching the fruits of my labour in all their glory! Oh it's going to be a wonderfully fun production :)

Here's the poster:

I haven't made anything for myself, the house or my family since May. I'm looking forward to making some new things that'll brighten up the drab southern winter. My craft room is nice and tidy with plenty of space now, all the costume fabric will be out of here soon too. My plans? First I'd like to make a jacket for myself with these happy fabrics;

Love those batik style fabrics, the patterns meander across the fabric, with no obvious repeat.
I need a bit of colour at the moment, winter is so grey! Spring couldn't come sooner...

And here's the pattern I'll be using from Burda September 2013

Cute huh? Even though I usually find three quarter length sleeves a bit chilly, I also have some knitted gloves that are quite long so they would work together. I usually can't fit them over or under my many jumpers so this is a nice solution. There's not much of the red outer woollen fabric either, so the smaller the jacket the better. I think I'll use the leafy batik fabric for the lining. Need buttons....

What else do I have planned craft wise for the next bit? I'd like to finish the knitting projects I have going now, (that is the cabled V-neck vest and the summit scarf) and then start some new ones! Then there will patchwork, machine knitted bits and presents for my dear oscar and niece.

I've just joined the group Crafty Freaks over on little minx's blog too so I can share my new creations.

Now I'm off to find some inspiration online - Ravelry and Pinterest here I come!