Here's a sneak peek of the fairies, there's me second from the left!
More photos soon, and individual shots of each character too :)
It's hard to imagine how the fairies all look together on stage when I'm one of them, but they seem to work well together.
In other news I've been dyeing fabric, lovely soft cotton fabric for Oscar's anniversary presents. Blue and green... I can never seem to get those procion dyes to work, but perhaps they are meant to be pale? They're certainly nice when they're in the dye bucket, but rinse them off and dry them and they go all pale. I might dye them again to give them extra colour.
Here they are drying on the line:
What they will be is a surprise! I'd like to reveal them but I'm determined to keep them a surprise for Oscar till the 14th of next month.
I'm also working on a few small crochet/knitting projects that are easy to work on backstage at rehearsals. Striped leg warmers in bright thick yarn and a hat out of the beautiful purple cashmere.
Finished in the last week:
- Batch 'F' beer
- Various costume mending
- Cabled vest - 65%
- Cashmere hat - 60%
- Leg warmers - 10%
- 40's style jacket - 40% (not entirely sure how to assemble this thing)
- Oscar's presents - 5%