Monday 26 May 2014

Fabric and yarn - what I spend my money on..

So recently I learnt that the annual fabric sale wouldn't be happening this year, and I was very dissapointed. But, I also learnt that they are instead selling donated fabric during the week, every week in their shop instead. So I went along a checked it out, not sure what I would find...

I asked the lady in the shop where they kept all the fabric and she showed me a room out the back where they keep it all. Not heaps of stuff, but enough to have me excitedly hunting for a good hour! It was a lot more relaxing than the fabric sale which can very stressful with so many people vying for the same thing. I was the only one out there back, so I don't think many people know about it yet.

I got some lovely stuff, a selection of silks, a batik print, some woollen scraps and some soft cotton knit.

Look at that beautiful sheen! I love silk... especially two tone silk woven with two different coloured threads. Crumpled like this you can see the purple and the orange shine out seperately. I got some white silk too, but that won't be much to look at till I dye it. Either solid/batik or tie dye. Probably those last two!

Funky batik on the left is from the sale - $12 for 3m is pretty good. The one on the right is a another batik my mum gave me, also beautiful and the colours change and vary in intensity across the fabric.

Making a circular bag on the knitting machine, intend to shibori felt it afterwards and shrink it down to a decent size and thickness. Going to use a combination of gradient dyed blanks and plain but colourful yarns. Knitting the round seems to work better with thinner yarn. I don't think  my machine likes knitting 5ply yarn....

I'm thinking my knitting machine is from the 60's judging by the booklets that came with it... I'm not sure...

Anyway this weekend has seen us have insane weather! Gust of 160k/m, strong SW's temps in the single digits and very cold nights and sleet, rain , hail, snow and thunder and lightning. I was due to travel last night, but was very glad that the trip was cancelled. So we got a bit of snow, nothing like last year's falls, but still snow. I've spent the last two days inside working on costumes in the warmest room of the house. A good choice since my sewing room isn't insulated and is very cold. 

Work on the costumes is going well, and have enough people to help me now which is good :)
Think this blog will be a bit quiet for a while, most of my creative energy will be going into the secret costumes now. I'll still be knitting anc cooking and beer making though, so I will try and share that on here.

Think I will go and eat something else now, with the weather so cold I can't stop eating!

Friday 23 May 2014

I will post, won't I?

I've been meaning to post lately, but life sometimes goes from very quiet to mental busy-ness in a week. So lots has been happening but I just haven't had the chance to share it. It'll be a busy weekend, but after that I should get back to blogging.

For now I leave you with a link of my pins (I just started an account with pinterest) and it's quite inspiring!

So many interesting ideas out there, it really does get my creativity flowing :)

Sewing inspiration!

Costumes are taking shape bless them. I'm excited and I even get a small part in the play! WOO!

Post again soon.

Sunday 11 May 2014

I'm still here!

Yep, I don't know where I've been but I'm back. I haven't done much creative stuff in the last week, it's been full of busking, auditioning, cooking, singing, catching up with parents and beer bottling. I have been working away at the market stuff, but it's still going too slowly. Oh yes, I have done some costume designing for Midsummer's night dream and that's all starting up soon. Brainstorming with my team this week and by the end of the week the cast will have been chosen. That way we can get on with measuring them up and making things! Very exciting, I wish I could share it on here...

I did audition myself, hoping to get a minor part as a fairy. Nearly certain to not get a part however, my talent lies in making things, not acting! I will not be dissapointed if I don't get a part, I will still be heavily involved with it as it is :) It just seems like such fun, people in plays seem like a crazy family once they've been through all of that hard work.

What can I share picture wise tonight?

We went for a great walk the other day out on the peninsula, what a wonderful view of the city's coastline! All the landmarks, Lawyer's head, St Clair beach, black head and white island.

So glad to live in a city where you can escape to the wilds so quickly. Where we live in west harbour it barely feels like we are in the city. The hill blocks the view of the city and the native bush that still lingers around here and almost makes it feel like living in the countryside again.

My mum, trying to figure out the best way to control this beast of a dog, who is called wolf. Rightly named I think! My parents are house sitting and taking care of two German shepherds as part of it. They are lively dogs, but big a powerful and a bit wild. We do this thing where we tell them to stay and we walk a good length, then we call to them and they run to us. Probably the best way to tire them out I think, without tiring yourself out.

Here is my lovely man! Avoiding the camera for some reason but looking decidedly pensive. Poor osk is allergic to dogs usually but these dogs didn't set him off for some reason which is good :) We had fun today taking the compost bucket down the hill and feeling scraps to the local pigs. I am so very lucky to have this wonderful man in my life. How is it I found my soul mate at age 17? It's my turn to plan our anniversary this year, I'm hoping to make it a great one - four years this year :) Love him to bits... he makes me so very happy, funny kind creature that he is.

Unflower tam finished! Looks a bit funny but think I can improve it by blocking it with a plate, give it a proper beret shape. Like the sqiuggle on top?!

Self designed hat, crocheted for the market stall. Got two of these finished now.. hope they sell.

Progress on the batik dress... I haven't done anymore sewing on this for a while. I'm not quite happy with the zip on the front. Perhaps I will make it a button closure instead? I could somehow... love the fabric...

Reading at the moment a great book about living without money for 6 months. The family grows and cooks all their own food and it's quite funny. Also the recipes are great, I've tried two already. Cinnamon scrolls (which are delicious and easy) and bean filled toasted wraps.
It's called 'Living the good life by linda cockburn link here: Living the good life

Well that's all for now. I'm glad I got around to writing a post again :) It can be a bit daunting at times. Sometimes so much happens you're too busy. Other times you forget to take pictures and then there's not much to share visually. Or I'm just feeling too damn lazy!

Okay time for bed soon I think. Plenty of time tomorrow to work on costume design! Woo!

Night night