So, goals for next year -
- Hand knit a vest
- Learn how to use knitting machine - socks in the round, fair isle, jumpers etc.
- Make another quilt big enough for our bed
- Sell more of my creations, go to more markets, find something that sells
- Learn how to use the inkle loom
- Try new recipes
- Perform with the choir playing accordion
- Get a bike and use it to get around
- Try busking with the accordion
- Costumes! Make some more costumes for local theatre :)
- Get P's so I can drive!
- More gardening and preserving, brewing etc.
Got a few sewing projects I'm already planning in my head - like the doctor who coat.
From the 6th doctor, woollen with all different panels of fabrics.
Got the perfect fabric for this one :)
Looking forward to settling in our new house and setting up a crafting room for myself, what a treat after using the edges of our bedroom for a year!
It's going to be another interesting year!